domingo, abril 26, 2009

Warhol Live - De Young Museum - San Francisco CA

Beautiful night, cool people, amazing exhibition.

Velvet Underground tribute cover band:

quarta-feira, abril 08, 2009

Bloomsbury - Quentil Bell

" It had no form of membership, no rules, no leaders; it can hardly be said to have any common ideas about art, literature or politics, and although it had, I believe, a common attitude to life and was united by friendships, it was amorphous a body as a group of friends can  be." 

Quentin Bell

sábado, abril 04, 2009

May - 2006

Three girls in search of art.

EDWARD HOPPER & COMPANY Mar 5 - May 2, 2009 - Fraenkel Gallery - San Francisco, CA

With ten rare paintings and drawings by Hopper, and work by eight photographers spanning the years 1936 to 1974, this ambitious exhibition explores Hopper's enormous influence on the medium of photography. 

The 8 photographers are: Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Harry Callahan, Lee Friedlander, Robert Frank, Walker Evans, Stephen Shore, and William Eggleston. 

"Hopper's respect for humble subjects, his interest in psycological, his depth as a landscape artist, and his sensitivity to the power of color to communicate feeling, are only some of the elements that may have led the writer Geoff Dyer to theorize that Hopper " could claim to be the most influential American photographer of twentieth century - even though he didn't take any photographs." (...) The paintings and photographs in EDWARD HOPPER AND COMPANY are potent evidence of his legacy, each an acknowledgment of the implications of light, silence, of clear-sightedness."